tess de boer (1991) is an amsterdam based creative director and photographer. she investigates the ways in which fashion, psychology and environmental awareness can be intertwined through analogue photography - while being in dialogue with our vast changing world. using film as a method to make kin with the alien language of other-worldly compositions, poetic landscapes and shy gestures (both human and non-human). often her lens is instilled with grief over something that is on the verge of being lost. as a photographer she dedicates her work to document these ephemeral phenomena as actors within their natural habitat in order to convey their agency, sensorial power and semiology.

previous exhibitions
05.11-10.11 fresh eyes book launch, paris photo
rue pastourelle 30, paris

19.09-22.09 fresh eyes, haute photograpie
studio 3000 amsterdam, nl

awards / nominations
2024 emerging international photography talent by GUP

    for inquiries or portfolio

    instagram @tess.de.boer